Monday, April 6, 2009

April Fools

April Fools! Ok, so it's not April Fools Day, but instead an account of my April Fools day.

I should have known when I got up that it was going to be a day. I found a spider crawling on my kitchen table. First, you should all be quite proud that I didn't scream. I just calmly killed it with Hannah's sippy cup (the first thing I could find with a flat bottom). And then I left it there all day as a notice to all its little spider friends to go back where they came from. But seriously, I was a little disturbed that out in the wide open plain sight this little spider thought it could crawl on my table?!? I try not to think about it.

At any was fine, (Chad is out of town mind you, so I'm a little on edge all day just because) I got home, fed Hannah, and had a relatively uneventful mealtime. So, I got brave & decided that we'd go on a walk. When we go on a walk, it's Hannah in her stroller & Lizzie & Cooper on a 'y-ed' leash together. So, I get some looks b/c I'm pushing the stroller & have 2 dogs (crazy yappy dogs usually). Well, as luck would have it there's a big dog sitting right where we get on the trail. Cooper of course goes crazy, because he doesn't realize the 50 lb dog would just smash his little 6 lb frame with one paw. So, I'm dragging Cooper & Lizzie trying to get the stroller up the curb to move past the big dog & its owner (who apparently thinks its cool to just sit & watch the Stuehlmeyer spectacle). Somehow (& I'm honestly not sure how...I promise I didn't run him over) Cooper ends up yelping & limping on his front paw. So, much to his dismay he has to finish the mile-long walk in the bottom basket of the stroller. Boo to injury # 1 of the evening.

We make it back to the house where Cooper promptly lays down & doesn't really move for the rest of the evening. I'm trying to get the dogs out of their harnesses and get some stuff done & Hannah (paci in mouth) somehow falls flat on her face in the living room (hardwood floors) and gets up with a mouth full of blood. For those of you who don't know me, that alone is enough to make me leave the room at a minimum and worse case senario, pass out. Well, the heroic mom that I am picks her up, thinking to myself...if there's a tooth through her lip we're in trouble, and seriously she couldn't have waited 20 minutes for Chad to get home?!? So, I now have blood all over my shirt, Hannah's got it in her mouth, on her fingers, her shirt, and her poor paci! We only ruined 1 washcloth, I managed to salvage 2, and nothing but a busted lip & the roof of her mouth. Can you believe it? We all lived. She didn't cry near as badly as I thought. I didn't pass out. She was eating crackers the next day. Cooper's up & running by the next day! Seriously, we're all still alive. And, it wasn't quite as traumatic as I expected. Hm, maybe I'm going to mellow out in my old age afterall. Thanks for reading.


  1. I like it .. alot :) Now we'll blog alongside one another and once we get back to some sort of normal (which will never happen I know) but at least after I'm home and have a routine, I plan to make my blog about saving money and paying off debt while raising twins. HA! We'll see how that goes! Miss and love you friend!

  2. SarahFae, first of all, I cannot picture you with 1 dog, let alone 2! You crack me up! I'm glad you're blogging. We miss you guys. Kristi, I love reading your blog and I look forward to more updates. Also, Caleb and I just paid off all our debt earlier this year. Keep in mind that we each only work part time, Caleb is in seminary full time(read: expensive!) we have one kid, and one on the way. So . . . it IS possible! Good luck!

  3. Knowing you as I do....I'm very proud of how you handled the whole situation!! I knew you could! I remember the first time you busted your lip--You were about 4 months old and I left you in a chair to go get a blanket for the floor. You and I both survived. But I did call Granny B and she came right over and helped us both!! Love you lots!
