Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Dark Side

So, I finally crossed over. I mean officially. I let Hannah watch her first DVD. I mean in the room alone with her toys and a DVD playing. I got to sit in the kitchen and work while she entertained herself. Ahhhhh, the slow sigh of guilt and glee. I swore I wouldn't let her until she was 2 like "they" recommend. Who is "they" anyways?? Doctors, specialists, really smart super moms? Well, since none of them live in my house I get to make the rules (with Chad's help and consent, of course). And, along with making the rules comes changing them. So, we did. And Hannah got to watch Baby Einstein's Neighborhood Animals. She loved it! Watched it, sang to it, and played in the same room as it. What more could a mom (especially a mom who works from home) ask for?!? Well, all things in moderation (and taking into consideration the attention span of a 15 month old)...I think we might have to check out more Baby Einstein DVDs. :)


  1. Welcome to the club! You all survived a few "VCR" tapes and so will Hannah! You are a good mom. Having a few minutes to get done what you need to do will make you even better. Love you! :)

    Aunt Denice

  2. Remember all those "Barney" tapes you were subjected to because Timothy and Elizabeth loved them? And you all have turned out wonderful! And, anyway, what good is a rule if you can't change it occasionally? Love you lots!
