Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Interview With My Brother

So, I'm going to try & do an interview with my brother...we'll see if he cooperates! And he might not since he doesn't know he's being interviewed! :)

For those of you who don't know, my little brother, Timothy, is spending his summer in Thailand on a mission trip. He went last summer for 2 weeks and felt called to go back this summer. He has been there for about 2 weeks already and has been blogging about his experience. You can check out his blog, Timothy Travels, if you'd like to join the fun (& learning)!

Well, this morning I woke up at 5AM, which did not make me happy. :( As I was laying there I figured there must be a reason I was awake so I started praying for random people and ended up praying for Timothy. Like any good pregnant woman I started thinking about food. Which made me wonder some things about Thailand food and mealtimes and thus this interview was born in my head! Let's hope my questions make was, after all, 5A when I was thinking about this!

Timothy -
First, do Thai people eat 3 meals a day like we do?

Do they eat their meals at set times?

What are some of the more common meals or dishes?

Do the missionaries cook Thai food or do they eat more "American" food when they're in their own homes?

Do Thai people eat out a lot or mostly cook & eat at home?

Is it mostly assumed that cooking is the woman's job?

Last, do they have cereal? (Oh, and what kind of milk do they drink?)

Well folks, I guess we'll all have to wait & see if Timothy reads my blog and if he has time to answer! :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Here's One You Might Not Have Heard

So, I'm lucky enough to get to work from home 2 days a week. And most days things go fairly well. I'm part mom and part Lewis & Clark Library System accountant and part dog owner. My time is split between letting the dogs out, changing, feeding, & entertaining Hannah, all the while trying to do my work. Let's just say that some days I want to pull my hair out by the end of the day. On one not-so-calm day a few months back we had a little incident. Chad was in Granite City on job so I was literally on my own to hold down the fort. The dogs, not surprisingly, were rather yappie and in & out all day. Sometimes while they're outside little super Cooper like to run around the deck posts. Which is all cool because he's entertained & all, but it never fails that he wraps himself around the post and then Lizzie barks at me until I go out and untangle him. Luckily enough when they're outside and yappie they don't wake up Hannah. And I was glad she was down for her nap so I could have a couple hours of good work time.

Well, you should also know that I'm a freak about keeping the doors locked. When the dogs are outside I keep the door unlocked so that I can get out to them quickly in case the neighbor's dogs get loose (American bulldog and big dogs who would crush mine). Well, as soon as I open the door to let Lizzie & Cooper in I usually go ahead and turn the lock on the handle so that as soon as they're in the door is ready to be shut and locked and we can all go on our merry safe way.

Wouldn't you know that in this instance I did as I usually do & turned the lock...however Cooper was tangled so I had to go outside to get him. As convenience would have it I shut the door behind me (although somehow Lizzie managed to get back outside with me). I got Cooper loose and we were all headed back inside when I get to the door and it's locked. That's right...locked. Me and dogs outside with no cell phone. Baby locked inside. I was pretty grateful that she was at least asleep in crib and not in any danger. Hm, well, interesting predicament I'm in now. No spare key. No way to call Chad. And, no way to get inside. Well, I did what you would expect SarahFae to do...I panicked. Then I ran to the neighbor's house to see if he had a key or if I could use his phone to call Chad. Of course Chad was wrapping up and couldn't leave...meaning he couldn't get home for another hour!! I think at this point I almost cried. So, I did what one would expect. I ran back home to break in. I was all prepared to break a window if needed. I didn't have to, luckily enough. I was able to break in the front window. So there you have stepping on the flower box to crawl in the front bedroom window, just like any good burglar, right? And what did I find once I finally got inside...a safe sleeping baby who had no idea that her mom locked her in the house alone.

So there you first real mom panic oops incident. I'm hoping there won't be a next time, but if there is, I'm going to try to panic a little less.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Funny thing happened today

So, I had my first ultrasound today. Funny thing happened. He changed my due date. According to the size of little Baby Stu #2 I'm only 7 weeks along, instead of 9. Boo. That means I have more misery in the first trimester than I originally thought. And, drum roll please...the new due date is Dec 27. Yep folks, you read that correctly, I said Dec 27. Convenient, right? (For those of you who don't know, Hannah's birthday is Dec 25.) Yep, Christmas and only 2 days away from little Baby Stu #2's projected arrival date. Hm. I guess we can only wait & see what will happen! :) What are the chances of 2 babies being born on the same day...and that day being Christmas?!? I guess we'll see if we become a statistic. Maybe I'll spend another Christmas in the hospital. Maybe you'll come see me. Maybe your Christmas dinner will be Hardees Red Burrito because nothing else is open.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prego Brain

So, you know you're pregnant when you catch a glimpse of a photo album on Facebook and think it's called "Second Trimester" and you're eying it jealously wishing you were in your second trimester. In reality it said "Second Semester". :(

Well, it's true. I'm pregnant. And miserable. I apparently had not much recollection of the first trimester with Hannah or I'm not sure I would have voluntarily done this again. I know it will be worth it in 7 months when we meet little Baby Stu #2, but for right now...this is close to torture. 4 weeks and counting!

In all seriousness, we're thrilled to be having our second and yes, we're going to extend the torture to all of you & we don't plan to find out the sex until birth day! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Wedding Event of the Summer

No, not mine...Dominic & Becky's! I've been talking to Heather (& crossing my fingers that the Lux's will get to come!) and we were wondering who all is planning on going?? We were thinking maybe we could work in a mini-reunion of sorts. Is anyone up for trying to stay at the same hotel? How about a trip to the zoo on Sunday? Any other thoughts & opinions are welcome! We'd love to get some good catch up time with everyone while we're there. Let us know if you're interested & if you've already booked your hotel rooms!

Monday, May 4, 2009

A little something for my little sister

So, we tend to mock my little sister & her blond hair. (Although, truth be told it's not quite so blond anymore, but we won't dwell on that!)

I was vacuuming our bedroom the other day & thought the vacuum was doing really weird things. It felt like it was vibrating right through me. Which seemed a little odd for my $100 vacuum to suddenly have that much extra power. Well, as it turned out...I had my phone in my back pocket & I was receiving a phone call!