Friday, May 22, 2009

Here's One You Might Not Have Heard

So, I'm lucky enough to get to work from home 2 days a week. And most days things go fairly well. I'm part mom and part Lewis & Clark Library System accountant and part dog owner. My time is split between letting the dogs out, changing, feeding, & entertaining Hannah, all the while trying to do my work. Let's just say that some days I want to pull my hair out by the end of the day. On one not-so-calm day a few months back we had a little incident. Chad was in Granite City on job so I was literally on my own to hold down the fort. The dogs, not surprisingly, were rather yappie and in & out all day. Sometimes while they're outside little super Cooper like to run around the deck posts. Which is all cool because he's entertained & all, but it never fails that he wraps himself around the post and then Lizzie barks at me until I go out and untangle him. Luckily enough when they're outside and yappie they don't wake up Hannah. And I was glad she was down for her nap so I could have a couple hours of good work time.

Well, you should also know that I'm a freak about keeping the doors locked. When the dogs are outside I keep the door unlocked so that I can get out to them quickly in case the neighbor's dogs get loose (American bulldog and big dogs who would crush mine). Well, as soon as I open the door to let Lizzie & Cooper in I usually go ahead and turn the lock on the handle so that as soon as they're in the door is ready to be shut and locked and we can all go on our merry safe way.

Wouldn't you know that in this instance I did as I usually do & turned the lock...however Cooper was tangled so I had to go outside to get him. As convenience would have it I shut the door behind me (although somehow Lizzie managed to get back outside with me). I got Cooper loose and we were all headed back inside when I get to the door and it's locked. That's right...locked. Me and dogs outside with no cell phone. Baby locked inside. I was pretty grateful that she was at least asleep in crib and not in any danger. Hm, well, interesting predicament I'm in now. No spare key. No way to call Chad. And, no way to get inside. Well, I did what you would expect SarahFae to do...I panicked. Then I ran to the neighbor's house to see if he had a key or if I could use his phone to call Chad. Of course Chad was wrapping up and couldn't leave...meaning he couldn't get home for another hour!! I think at this point I almost cried. So, I did what one would expect. I ran back home to break in. I was all prepared to break a window if needed. I didn't have to, luckily enough. I was able to break in the front window. So there you have stepping on the flower box to crawl in the front bedroom window, just like any good burglar, right? And what did I find once I finally got inside...a safe sleeping baby who had no idea that her mom locked her in the house alone.

So there you first real mom panic oops incident. I'm hoping there won't be a next time, but if there is, I'm going to try to panic a little less.


  1. You are right! I hadn't heard that story.

    The only thing missing is that when you climbed in your window you hurt your booty and you sat in a plate of Absorbine, Jr.!! lol Okay... maybe that wasn't you.

    Sounds like you are becoming a "real" mom! And there will be a next time, you can count on it!

  2. This story is very funny--now that it is over. But I think I need to speak to my son-in-law about making sure the windows are locked and will be good enough to keep out real burglars!! Maybe you should hang a spare key around Cooper's neck-then it will be outside waiting for you.
    Love you lots,

  3. Ah, the life of motherhood. :) I had no idea about this, but lucky you being smart enough to break in. I probably would have freaked out a bit, too. I can't count the amount of crazy moments like that that I've had. It's okay. I don't judge you. haha.

    By the way, this is Rachel, and I'm "following" your blog now. :)
