Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Interview With My Brother

So, I'm going to try & do an interview with my brother...we'll see if he cooperates! And he might not since he doesn't know he's being interviewed! :)

For those of you who don't know, my little brother, Timothy, is spending his summer in Thailand on a mission trip. He went last summer for 2 weeks and felt called to go back this summer. He has been there for about 2 weeks already and has been blogging about his experience. You can check out his blog, Timothy Travels, if you'd like to join the fun (& learning)!

Well, this morning I woke up at 5AM, which did not make me happy. :( As I was laying there I figured there must be a reason I was awake so I started praying for random people and ended up praying for Timothy. Like any good pregnant woman I started thinking about food. Which made me wonder some things about Thailand food and mealtimes and thus this interview was born in my head! Let's hope my questions make was, after all, 5A when I was thinking about this!

Timothy -
First, do Thai people eat 3 meals a day like we do?

Do they eat their meals at set times?

What are some of the more common meals or dishes?

Do the missionaries cook Thai food or do they eat more "American" food when they're in their own homes?

Do Thai people eat out a lot or mostly cook & eat at home?

Is it mostly assumed that cooking is the woman's job?

Last, do they have cereal? (Oh, and what kind of milk do they drink?)

Well folks, I guess we'll all have to wait & see if Timothy reads my blog and if he has time to answer! :)


  1. Great questions! I'd never thought of them but it will be interesting to find out the answers. I'm sorry you had to be thinking of them at 5am though!! And I'm shocked you would wonder if they had cereal!
    Love you,

  2. SarahFae: Thanks for your 5am (or to me 5pm) prayers. They're always needed. I would be glad to do this interview! I'm not sure I know all the answers though! I'll do my best.

    1. I'm not really sure. I think for the most part they just kind of eat when they're hungry. There is always food cooking from the street vendors, from at least 9:00am till at least 9:00pm, so I guess they may eat kind of regularly, but not to rigidly like we do.

    2. So I guess I kind of just answered this too.

    3. Well, most dishes are rice or noodle based. This could be fried rice with various meats or just steamed rice with all kinds of toppings like curries and other meats with sauces. There are always sauces! There are a few kinds of noodles too from wide ones to skinny rice noodle. Everyone asks if I've had Pad Thai, but it's really not that common. It's not like everyone eats Pad Thai everyday!

    4. I think most American missionaries cook American food in their homes, but you have to remember that not all the same ingredients are always available. So sometimes it's more of a Thai version of American food.

    5. Thais eat out a lot. Many of the people in the city don't even have kitchens in their apartments. But food (especially street food) is very cheap. When I eat at the Thai food court, my whole meal is less than 2$US. So yeah, they eat out a lot.

    6. Hmm...not really sure. I think it's about like the classic American view, where women usually cook, but it's not exclusive. It would not be unusual for a man to cook, but usually women do...I think.

    7. Yes, they do have cereal! I've had Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes (thought of you when I bought them). But most of them are chocolate cereals. I don't know how much people eat them though. There are fewer options than at a supermarket in the states. But they do have it. And they have whole, 2%, and skim, not sure about 1%. But yeah, that's pretty much the same.

    Well, there are you, a crash course in random Thai food stuff! Hope you learned a lot and got all your answers!

  3. Thanks Timothy! I feel smarter already. I had Frosted Flakes today!! Yay! I'm pretty glad they have cereal. And, man, do I wish I had some noodles right now. I wish I could try all their noodles. And shoot, I would eat out all the time too if my whole meal cost less than $2! Thanks for answering all my questions. Maybe we'll do this again sometime!
