Friday, May 15, 2009

Funny thing happened today

So, I had my first ultrasound today. Funny thing happened. He changed my due date. According to the size of little Baby Stu #2 I'm only 7 weeks along, instead of 9. Boo. That means I have more misery in the first trimester than I originally thought. And, drum roll please...the new due date is Dec 27. Yep folks, you read that correctly, I said Dec 27. Convenient, right? (For those of you who don't know, Hannah's birthday is Dec 25.) Yep, Christmas and only 2 days away from little Baby Stu #2's projected arrival date. Hm. I guess we can only wait & see what will happen! :) What are the chances of 2 babies being born on the same day...and that day being Christmas?!? I guess we'll see if we become a statistic. Maybe I'll spend another Christmas in the hospital. Maybe you'll come see me. Maybe your Christmas dinner will be Hardees Red Burrito because nothing else is open.


  1. that is crazy! can't wait to see how it turns out.

  2. I would love to eat Hardees Red Burrito for Christmas dinner. It was perfect the first time!! We love you!! And you are very funny :)

  3. Soo I'm not gonna lie this definitely makes me laugh. But even if you do have another Christmas baby I'm sure we will love shim anyway!
    P.S. I definitely lol'ed at the Hardees Red Burrito part but it was sweet the first time and I would definitely love to do it!
    Love ya,

  4. So... I wonder what God is trying to teach someone through this? I love His sense of humor, don't you?!?!?

  5. Hahaha...your funny, sister. Anyways, at least the folks working at Hardee's Red Burrito were frienly in spite of having to work on Christmas. Well, I suppose I could do it again; I am hoping you'll be a statistic! lol
