Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jumped off the Facebook train.

So, I did it. I should have done it weeks ago, but I didn't. I deactivated my Facebook account. Gasp! I know. It was quite difficult. The truth is that I spent way way too much time reading & learning about people that I don't know that well and don't really want to. I read a lot about people I used to know and if I don't care to actually keep in touch with them then it's just gossip that I know random things about their lives that don't actually matter to me. I will be sad to miss the pics and updates of my family and close friends, but here's hoping that I actually keep in contact with them enough that I'll still know what's going on in their lives (& hopefully they'll still send me their photo album links).

I needed to do this partly because I waste way way too much time (at work & at home) checking my facebook. I'm trying to re-evaluate my priorities and I always complain that I don't have enough time to do the things I'm supposed to do. If that's true then I'm going to have to get really picky about what I do spend my time on. And, Facebook just didn't rank up there. Truth is that I'm not really spending any time in real relationship with people in my life and I just can't justify wasting time on Facebook. You see I've realized that now that I'm a mom & Hannah is getting older & #2 is on the way I simply don't have time for much anymore. It doesn't seem fair to explain that to friends when I'm wasting so much time on Facebook.

At any rate, part of this is the realization that being a mom has been sort of a gradual change. For a while I could take Hannah about anywhere because she was pretty quiet, very easily transportable, and slept a lot. Slowly that has been changing. I need to be home by 7 or 7:30P to get her to bed. I don't have the energy to be going lots of places in the evenings with her so I can't hang out as much. Also, I like to spend my evenings with Chad, Hannah, & the puppies at home. So after spending time with Hannah and then putting her to bed around 8 or 8:15P and then I try to be in bed by 9 or 9:30 and trying to do laundry and clean up in that 8 o'clock hour it just doesn't leave much time for phone talking or hanging out. (Especially if I want to talk to Chad at all!) Anyways, I guess it's all a learning game and I need a pretty steep learning curve. I am having a hard time balancing my household, extended family, close friends, and extended friends (oh right, and the 40 hours + I spend in the work world).

And so Facebook had to go. There will probably be other things to go too. As soon as I figure out what my real priorities are and how to balance the people and things close to me. And now so that I can actually function's bedtime! Thanks to you all for your patience with me as I figure out how to juggle everything.


  1. Okay, so you were freaking me out, b/c I couldn't find you on facebook tonight!! So I checked your blog and realized that you pulled your account. I understand why, but I am bummed out not to be able to see pictures of Hannah Grace!! So you better send me picture links!! I mean it!!! So, I was just going to send you a message saying that I realized last night that you didn't get to go to the Dave Ramsey museum thingy. I would have gone with you! I hope you didn't go b/c of us. I'm guessing that you were just too tired, but wanted to make sure. I had a good time with you this weekend. I wish we had more time to spend together like that. Carli misses Hannah already!!
    Love you!

  2. Yeah, I was trying to send you a message and it didn't work. First I tried to blame Facebook, but I guess that won't work. Now I'll just have to contact you the old fashioned way--email. I am half way around the world you know.
