Friday, August 21, 2009

It's a ...

BABY!! So, Lil Baby Stu #2 had his/her first photo shoot the other day. It is quite ironic how closely the two pregnancies are timed. Hannah's ultrasound was 8/15/07 and she weighed 12 ounces. Lil Baby Stu #2's was on 8/10/09 and he/she weighed 13 ounces. So far so good. I was a little disappointed that baby wasn't bigger because that means all the weight I've put on is really from my poor eating and exercising habits! I am always amazed at the growth and development that happens in utero. It's pretty impressive. It must also be tiring doing all that growing because at the end of the ultrasound baby yawned! And here I thought I was the one exhausted from all this baby growing. Silly me.

This ultrasound went much better than Hannah's. I didn't throw up, for one thing. (Apparently I drank all the water too fast on the way to the hospital and when I got there I threw it all up in the parking lot! Oops.) I wasn't really dizzy or too nervous either. I guess I'm growing up. It's always nice to go to the hospital and not pass out or throw up!

However, it was me we're talking about. And I did spend about an hour in a hospital. So, of course, it couldn't be without incident at all. We were all done and went down to the first floor to leave when I realized that I really wasn't going to make it home without first going to the bathroom. I drank a lot of water, folks. I marched myself over to the bathroom (pretty focused on getting in and getting my business done quickly!). I walked in to the bathroom and realized something was amiss...they don't normally put urinals in women's bathrooms, ugh, I gasped, turned right around, ran out the bathroom, quickly across the hall, and into the women's restroom, where I immediately burst into laughter. Oops. Luckily there wasn't anyone in either restroom so it wasn't as terribly embarrassing as it certainly could have been! hehehe

I'm at 21 weeks for anyone who's interested. We also found out that the doctor schedules C-sections on the Tuesday of your 39th week. I think that means if we decide to have a planned C-section it would be Dec 22. Of course, that's only if we decide to have a planned C-section and if I don't go into labor earlier. Ah, the joys of labor and birth. It's a good thing we get a baby out of the deal!


  1. Hahahahaha! That is hilarious! I can just imagine the look on your face when you realized you were in the wrong bathroom. I'm glad no one was "using the facilities" when you barged in! :)

    So... when are you going to decide about the C-section? And what factors are figuring into that decision? Are they leaving it completely up to you? Just curious...

  2. Hey girl :) Love your posts, makes me miss you more than I already do! Good to hear that little baby #2 is doing well .. such a praise! And I'd love to know your thoughts about having a planned C-section .. as you know, I'm a fan of the C-section having just had one and recovering so well from it. Not that I would have chosen it that way, but that's the way it went so I don't feel slighted about not having a natural birth - the babies just wouldn't have it. Anyway, I get asked all the time about the next baby and will I have a section. Just curious to know your thoughts about it. Love you!
