Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm not a total hater

Ok, just so everyone knows...I'm not a total hater. There are some aspects of pregnancy that I adore. Yep, that's right, pregnancy and adore in the same sentence. I'm growing a human here folks. I mean that's pretty much the biggest deal ever. We humans think we're so cool. We build buildings, make things out of wood, plastic, metal, paint, etc. However, none of those even compares to pregnancy. I mean, the God of the Universe invites man and woman to join together with Him in creation. Literally, life out of 2 cells. In my body, there are 2 of everything (well, maybe not everything since I'm not sure if Lil Baby Stu #2 is a boy or a girl!), 2 hearts, 2 sets of lungs, 2 entire humans. I'm growing a person. Seriously, that is unbelievable and I adore the fact that I get to be part of that. People are always pondering the great question of "what am I here for?", "what am I doing with my life?". Some people build empires on clothes, real estate, money, sports, etc., but moms and dads get to say, I created life. What trumps life? Not much.

Also, I adore feeling the baby. Now, not so much when I get a swift kick to the bladder or other internal organ, but most times I love it. I love knowing that baby is inside my womb just hanging out and growing. Twisting, turning, summer saulting, kicking, punching, yawning, and who knows what else he/she is doing. But, it's a wonderful joy. (A joy that often serves to remind me why I'm so miserable!)

Only 6 days to go!

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