Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm so pregnant...

...that I can literally cry and laugh in the same breath.

...that as badly as I don't want to go through delivery it seems like a walk in the park compared to being pregnant for 6 more weeks.

...there is no quality sleep.

...that just getting out of bed overwhelms me.

...that I could eat about anything...and then immediately regret it knowing that tums will be my dessert.

...that even my sweatpants aren't comfortable. :(

...that all I can think about is delivering the acrobat living inside me.

...that any liquid looks appetizing.

...that any offer of help will not be turned down.

...that the thought of nesting makes me want to lay down and take a nap.

...that sitting, standing, or lying I'm not comfortable.


  1. You're almost there!!! You can do it. really don't have a choice...but YOU CAN DO IT!! Love ya!

  2. I've said before that God makes pregnancy last 9 months so that by the end you are willing to do anything to be done with it!
    Remind Baby Stu #2 that "he" is supposed to make his arrival on the 19th! :D
