Saturday, October 31, 2009

Me and the Mall Don't Mix

So, I probably shouldn't be allowed to go to the mall anymore. I'd like to blame it on the pregnancy, but I'm not sure that was the entire problem. To be fair, tonight was mall trick-or-treating so that added a little to the craziness, but still that didn't account for all the crazy. As a side note, when did they start trick-or-treating at the mall?? Not a bad idea in my opinion. Well, it's nice for the parents and kids, maybe not so great for normal mall shoppers.

People at the mall just make me angry. I mean, do they have to be so rude? It's not like I'm a little kid, I'm pregnant and pretty hard to miss! If I'm already walking in a pretty consistent path why would you suddenly veer over and cut me off?? There is too much disorganization and people just meandering slowly around like they have no purpose. If you come to the mall you really ought to have a plan people. And please do not stand outside the store door/window and debate whether to go in. Either go in or keep moving, that's how you keep the traffic flow going. If you have to think about it that hard you probably don't need to go in.

And then there was this little girl who wouldn't eat her chicken or her french fries and cried when she couldn't get the stickers off the paper of her toy. And she kept wanting out of her stroller and screaming and saying "No, Mommy. I want Daddy to.". Oh wait, that was my kid. I guess I can't blame that one on the mall.

At any rate, I did meet 4 nice people. One mom in the elevator who was also pregnant, one store assistant who rang us out and asked about the pregnancy, one man in line at Chick-fil-A, and the manager at Chick-fil-A. (I do have to admit that I almost always have a good experience at Chick-fil-A...they're just nice people who serve me great food!) Oh, and there was the brave mom who had like 8 kids with her trick-or-treating. Like 6 of the kids were going to cut in front of us and she made them stop and stay where they were so that they didn't cut us off. That's good parenting. Teach your children to watch where they're going...then people like me don't have to get so irritated.

Anyways, I'm hoping to do the rest of my shopping at regular stand alone stores or online so hopefully I won't have to endure the mall again for a while. I just don't think my nerves can handle it. Or maybe I just need to be thankful that I did run into 5 nice people.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dec 21

Well, it looks like Lil Baby Stu #2 will be (hopefully) arriving on Dec 21 bright & early. My c-section is planned for 6 AM. That means I have to be at the hospital at 4 AM and we live about 45 minutes away. It's going to be a long first day I have a feeling. But, at least we'll have a baby! And since I can't get out of bed for about 24 hours it means that Husband will be on diaper duty and transport duty and any other duty that seems necessary. That makes me happy. Look, husband, more meconium.

We are still accepting name suggestions for anyone who would like to contribute. (Except for a certain cousin who knows who he is...he's been cut off and we will no longer take suggestions from him.)

So far we're looking at Eli & Noah for boy first names. And no ideas for a girl's name.

Lately I've been trying to talk to Hannah about having a baby come live with us. She usually just gives me her normal furrowed brow look...I think that means that she's not impressed. I often try to ask her, "What's in Mommy's belly?". Her pretty standard reply is "Daddy's belly. My belly." So, I'm going to take that as her dodging the question.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Because My Life is Just That Exciting

So, I was folding towels today. I fold towels a lot because I'm pretty much a freak about how many times they can be used before they must be washed. I'm pretty weird about water, dirty food, germs, and dirty towels. And, I'm trying to be more green and use fewer paper towels so I use more towels instead. I wash and fold towels a lot. Did I emphasize that enough? I fold them a lot.

Well, I finally decided that one of my favorite things to do is to cut the tags out of the towels! It makes folding them so much quicker. And, yes, I fold my towels every time. I use a tri-fold system and always fold them right side out every time. So, you can see how much time I can save by not having to worry whether the tag is properly tucked into the towel. Heaven forbid that the tag might stick out once it's folded. And it's just one of those little things that makes my life a little smoother. Cut the tags out of the towels!! You should really try it sometime.

How about you? Do you have any little tricks that might make my life a little smoother? Or I am the only weird one out there. (And by weird, I'll also accept the descriptions of anal and OCD.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

30 weeks down, 9 to go

So, I realize that 30 + 9 = 39 & not 40, but I'm having a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks so I have less misery than the normal 40 weeks. Yep, that's right, misery. I know. I know. Some women love being pregnant and think it's the most glorious time in their life and claim they've never felt better, blah, blah, blah. I am not those women and I have most definitely felt better. I've gained 28 pounds and have 9 more weeks to go, which means 9-10 more pounds. Ugh. I've never been fatter, slept worse, felt worse, and been in more pain for such a long period of time. I'll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say that pregnancy can be painful!

The other night everyone in my house woke me up at one point or another, Chad, Hannah, the puppies, Lil Baby Stu #2, and myself. Chad talks in his sleep so I got a rude awakening when he grabbed my arm and woke me up talking...all while he kept sleeping. Hannah apparently dropped her paci and wasn't happy about it. The dogs needed to go to the bathroom. The new baby was kicking up a storm. And between my bladder being too full and legs and arms falling asleep and then throbbing, I guess I woke my own self up. (Although I'm tempted to blame this on the baby too). I'm not sure I got any sleep at all. That does not sound like a joyous pregnant now does it. Nope, but it does sound like an honest one. ha

Well, all of this has certainly made me ponder children. Of course they're worth it, but how many times do I actually need to be the vessel for them getting here? And, I think I've decided it's 2. I'm definitely not doing this again by choice. (Let's all hope it doesn't happen accidentally!) I've always wanted to adopt and I have to say that this pregnancy may just be God's way of insuring that I don't get too selfish and decide not to adopt afterall.

I was tempted to post a pic of my ginormous belly, but then I realized that I don't have any current pics. So, you'll just have to take my word for it that all of my groanings are quite justified.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hit Me with Your Best Shot

So, I love love love the fall! Such fabulous foods folks! How can one not enjoy the change of menu?!? The preparation (usually only mentally at this point, but still) for the holidays and all the anticipation of time with family and friends (and all the food that goes with it!!). Ah, this is one instance when I appreciate change.

I have somehow managed to convince my mom, aunt, sister, and mother-in-law to come over in a couple weeks to help me with an all day cooking and freezing extravaganza. (Insert evil laugh here.) Ok, ok, so I know how I did it...I confess...I pulled the pregnancy card & granddaughter card. I've got to take full advantage of this pregnancy while I can (and I only have 12 weeks remaining) . And in case the 26 lbs I've gained so far isn't proof enough that I'm taking advantage of being pregnant, I'm going to use it to coerce people to come spend a day at my house cooking for me! hehe It's a grand plan really. I'm quite proud of it.

At any rate...if you could send me your best and most loved fall and winter recipes I would be especially grateful! (And if you happen to have any that freeze really well that would even better!)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Once an Army Wife Forever an Army Wife

We went to the C Co 2/130 IL Army National Guard unit's welcome home ceremony on Monday night. That's Chad's unit. The guys were coming back from Afghanistan. It was really important to us that we take Hannah and that we support these men. Yes, I know Hannah won't remember it, but still it was one of those things that we wanted to do as a family. It was in the gym of the school across from the armory in Litchfield. We barely got there in time and walked in during the opening prayer. The guys were all on the gym floor surrounded by the Patriot Guard Riders. All the family, friends, and supporters were up in the bleachers. And as soon as I get to where I can see the soldiers, wouldn't you know...I immediately burst into tears. It was one of those moments in life where you're so flooded with emotion that you just don't know what you're even thinking or feeling and really the only response is to cry. Mostly I was so grateful for these men that sacrificed so much. And also more grateful than I care to admit that it wasn't my soldier who was down on that floor.

Chad and I both agree that his deployment to Iraq is something that we would never take back. It was a once in a lifetime experience. However, it's also something that we don't want to do again. It has forever changed us and has made us who we are. And, I guess, as with everything in life, it made us stronger and we are better for having gone through it. It also gave us more issues than we care to admit and things that we still are trying to deal with and overcome, even today...3 1/2 years later.

Last night Chad got out "the stick". I'm going to call it the stick because I think that sounds a little more socially acceptable than "the shovel handle". It represents so much. One lovely (and by lovely, I really mean monumental and horrendously hot) day in Iraq as he was out on patrol he happened to be gunner in the humvee (that's the guy who's head is sticking out the top of the humvee). As they rounded a corner an IED went off. Well, for some odd reason, only the detonator part of the IED went off and not the entire explosive. (To the best of my female comprehension there has to be some sort of ignition/detonation explosive to ignite "the really big"explosive...I'm pretty sure that's the explanation the army would give too.)

By the grace of God, literally, all the humvee got hit with was some dust and rocks since the real explosive failed. Let's be honest here, the terrorists are really good at blowing things up...they do it for a living and they don't like to fail. They pretty much have it down to an exact science and for an IED to fail is a big deal. Our army boys are super smart and good at what they do and they knew the terrorists would be back to figure out why their stupid bomb didn't blow up my husband and his humvee. So they set up some "ops" (which I think translates into operations) to watch the area to see if the terrorists came back to fix their failed bomb. Sure enough they came back. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that I now have part of a shovel handle, "the stick", in my living room that was from the shovel that the terrorist used to plant the bomb that should have killed my husband.

There are few things in life that make me more grateful for my God and my husband than the sight of that stick in my living room. It is a reminder to me that God is a powerful protector and that He must have a plan for Chad & I. He chose to intervene that day and save my husband and those soldier's lives. I'll never be the same. (And if you ever wonder why I have issues it's because 16 months of days and incidents like these took their toll.)