Saturday, October 31, 2009

Me and the Mall Don't Mix

So, I probably shouldn't be allowed to go to the mall anymore. I'd like to blame it on the pregnancy, but I'm not sure that was the entire problem. To be fair, tonight was mall trick-or-treating so that added a little to the craziness, but still that didn't account for all the crazy. As a side note, when did they start trick-or-treating at the mall?? Not a bad idea in my opinion. Well, it's nice for the parents and kids, maybe not so great for normal mall shoppers.

People at the mall just make me angry. I mean, do they have to be so rude? It's not like I'm a little kid, I'm pregnant and pretty hard to miss! If I'm already walking in a pretty consistent path why would you suddenly veer over and cut me off?? There is too much disorganization and people just meandering slowly around like they have no purpose. If you come to the mall you really ought to have a plan people. And please do not stand outside the store door/window and debate whether to go in. Either go in or keep moving, that's how you keep the traffic flow going. If you have to think about it that hard you probably don't need to go in.

And then there was this little girl who wouldn't eat her chicken or her french fries and cried when she couldn't get the stickers off the paper of her toy. And she kept wanting out of her stroller and screaming and saying "No, Mommy. I want Daddy to.". Oh wait, that was my kid. I guess I can't blame that one on the mall.

At any rate, I did meet 4 nice people. One mom in the elevator who was also pregnant, one store assistant who rang us out and asked about the pregnancy, one man in line at Chick-fil-A, and the manager at Chick-fil-A. (I do have to admit that I almost always have a good experience at Chick-fil-A...they're just nice people who serve me great food!) Oh, and there was the brave mom who had like 8 kids with her trick-or-treating. Like 6 of the kids were going to cut in front of us and she made them stop and stay where they were so that they didn't cut us off. That's good parenting. Teach your children to watch where they're going...then people like me don't have to get so irritated.

Anyways, I'm hoping to do the rest of my shopping at regular stand alone stores or online so hopefully I won't have to endure the mall again for a while. I just don't think my nerves can handle it. Or maybe I just need to be thankful that I did run into 5 nice people.

1 comment:

  1. haha!! i totally get where you are coming from. i can't handle the mall...i think i'm too uptight, and i always go for something very specific...and anyone who gets in my way gets me all worked up.
