Wednesday, October 14, 2009

30 weeks down, 9 to go

So, I realize that 30 + 9 = 39 & not 40, but I'm having a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks so I have less misery than the normal 40 weeks. Yep, that's right, misery. I know. I know. Some women love being pregnant and think it's the most glorious time in their life and claim they've never felt better, blah, blah, blah. I am not those women and I have most definitely felt better. I've gained 28 pounds and have 9 more weeks to go, which means 9-10 more pounds. Ugh. I've never been fatter, slept worse, felt worse, and been in more pain for such a long period of time. I'll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say that pregnancy can be painful!

The other night everyone in my house woke me up at one point or another, Chad, Hannah, the puppies, Lil Baby Stu #2, and myself. Chad talks in his sleep so I got a rude awakening when he grabbed my arm and woke me up talking...all while he kept sleeping. Hannah apparently dropped her paci and wasn't happy about it. The dogs needed to go to the bathroom. The new baby was kicking up a storm. And between my bladder being too full and legs and arms falling asleep and then throbbing, I guess I woke my own self up. (Although I'm tempted to blame this on the baby too). I'm not sure I got any sleep at all. That does not sound like a joyous pregnant now does it. Nope, but it does sound like an honest one. ha

Well, all of this has certainly made me ponder children. Of course they're worth it, but how many times do I actually need to be the vessel for them getting here? And, I think I've decided it's 2. I'm definitely not doing this again by choice. (Let's all hope it doesn't happen accidentally!) I've always wanted to adopt and I have to say that this pregnancy may just be God's way of insuring that I don't get too selfish and decide not to adopt afterall.

I was tempted to post a pic of my ginormous belly, but then I realized that I don't have any current pics. So, you'll just have to take my word for it that all of my groanings are quite justified.

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