Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So, for those of you who know me probably already know that I'm not always very balanced. Passionate, one-tracked mind, dedicated, organized...yes, but not so much balanced. I don't so much like the gray...I prefer black or white.

Anyways, my current life phase has brought me to learning more about my Myers-Briggs personality type and my strengths from the book Strengths Finder 2.0. I have found much value and understanding come from learning more about myself and what makes me tick. All the things that I always tried to ignore about myself seem to be coming to a good way. I'm actually made this way. I was created in a particular way with certain strengths. I can't believe it. I usually drive people a little crazy and now come to find out its one of my strengths. haha

All of this randomness...especially random since I haven't written on here for to encourage you to find your Myers-Briggs personality type and your strengths and figure yourself out.

Oh, and I'm an ESTJ. :) Shocking, eh?

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