Friday, September 25, 2009

Chad got his wisdom teeth out & I learned the lesson

So, Chad had to get some dental work done on Monday morning. One wisdom tooth extraction and 3 cavities, one in each quadrant of his mouth, which equaled an entire mouth numbing experience. Now, given my tendency to have a panic attach in doctor offices, dentist offices, and hospitals I was a good wife and let him go by himself. He assured me that he would be fine to drive home by himself. (I did call the dentist after he got there to make sure that I didn't need to come get him...they also assured me he would fine to drive home.) He did finally call me mid-morning to let me know that he was home, well, using the best of my translation skills I translated what he said into meaning that he was home (he apparently had a lot of Novocaine). :) Since he was at home & out of the dentist office, I decided that it would probably be safe for me to see him, so I went home at lunch.

I walk in the door & he's watching a movie...a movie that I know for sure we don't own. I ask him, where did you get this movie. He responded with something that I translated into "from the library". Ok, so he apparently went to the library after he got his dental work done. I give him a slightly dirty look for not coming straight home and then went about my business. I proceed to the bathroom, as that's typically my first stop anywhere I go these days & it has now been prolonged by the library discussion. Well, I see the mop & bucket sitting in the tub. Hm, well that's certainly not where I left it...back out to the living room.

SF: "Um, baby, why is the mop & bucket in the bathtub?"
Chad: "I mopped the living room." (That's the translated version.)
SF: "You mopped?"
Chad: "Yes."
SF: "Why would you do that?"
Chad: "The floor stunk."
SF: "So, you got your mouth worked on. Your mouth is still so numb you can't talk. And you thought it would be a good idea to go to the library & then mop the living room floor?"
Chad: "Yes."
SF: "Um, baby, you're supposed to be resting! Now, stay on the couch & do not get up."

At this point I give him a very stern look and went about getting lunch for myself. I offered Chad some soup, which he declined because "he isn't supposed to eat anything hot or cold". I then offered him a drink and straw, which he declined because "he isn't supposed to use a straw". He then proceeds to show me the "rules" sheet they gave him. Now, I'm sure you can see the irony here...he will follow the clearly defined rules on eating & drinking, but the vague ones regarding rest are clearly optional.

Well, again, being the fine specimen of a wife that I am, I take his script to Walgreens to get his pain meds...apparently the simple extraction turned into a lot of pulling and tugging and finally cutting the tooth out because it was wrapped up in a nerve. And the fine people at Walgreens must apparently go through training when they get hired that gives them a different version of time than the rest of the world follows. So, the 15 minutes they told me actually meant 45 minutes...which meant I got a phone call as I was checking out from Chad wondering where his pain killers were. I finally get home where I have to do a mad search for my husband because he was not on the couch where I left him. He was at his computer preparing to do some work on QuickBooks.

SF: "Um, baby, what are you doing? Go lay down."
Chad: "I can't just lay there in pain. I need to do something. I'm going to work on my budget."
SF: "I got your medicine, now go lay down."
(Now, normally I would be thrilled that he's working on his budget, but under the pain-filled circumstances I think it's best we save the budget work until later.)

Here are my lessons:
1. I'm pretty crappy at serving my husband. I did pretty good for the first day & then I got tired. I'm going to work on that...I was the one who needed the attitude adjustment by day 2.
2. Rest when you need it! Don't push yourself too hard too fast to recover (physically or emotionally).
3. Tylenol-3 makes him nauseous. He does not appreciate comments about how many weeks I spent nauseous. Let him wallow in his own pain & misery & don't try to "outdo" him on misery.


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