Friday, September 25, 2009

Good Mom?

So, as Hannah is getting older and Lil Baby Stu #2 is getting closer to making his/her appearance I have been thinking a lot about what makes a good mom. I am going to assume that my thoughts, questions, and fears are "normal" and that there are lots of opinions on motherhood out there. It seems everyone is a judge of how we raise our children. Being the Type A person and perfectionist that I am, I fear failure and that includes failing as a mom. I would venture to guess that I'm not alone on that front. I'm reading a book called Shepherding a Child's Heart that has somewhat given me some freedom. It has reminded me that I am not the only influence on Hannah's life. Also, that she is her own person and will make her own choices and decisions based on her own thought process. For some reason I had convinced myself that if I was not perfect that I would be cause of any and all of her failures. Which meant mega guilt trip everytime I yelled at her and lost my temper with her or let her eat cheerios for every meal. I do have an insane amount of influence in her life, but she clearly lets it be known that she is her own person and will make her own choices in her own time...yes, she's 21 months old and she thinks that means 21 years old and many freedoms she's not yet been granted.

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