Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Official.

Well, I am officially fatter than I am wide.

That's a great day folks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Have You Forgotten?

It's Veteran's Day. I heard the song today, "Have You Forgotten?", by Darryl Worley. I was listening to NPR talk about the war, yeah, that's right, I listen to NPR sometimes. :) Anyways, in listening to them talk about the war & in hearing that song I was reminded of the fact I have forgotten. Although, truth be told, I probably block it out more than actually forgetting, but that's another whole post. I am more grateful than I even know how to express for the men & women defending and protecting our country. We truly live in a great place, not perfect, but great. We have so many "rights" and freedoms that we don't even stop to be grateful for and mostly we don't even realize that we have them.

I know of the sacrifice that it takes the men and women and their families. Chad's been home from deployment for 3 1/2 years and I assure you that we still feel the repercussions on a weekly basis. I am an expert at blocking people, thoughts, and feelings so that I don't have to deal with them. It's a little something I learned while Chad was gone. I could teach you if you like.

Since today is a day of honoring those who have served I dug up some pics to help myself, and maybe you too, to remember. I hope you enjoy them. They represent but a few small moments of 16 months of our life.

(I couldn't figure out how to rearrange them so forgive the randomness of their order.)

This is how a soldier goes muddin'...except it's sewage and trash, not mud.

This is how a soldier drives at night...night vision...for like 8 hours.

This is how a soldier reaches out to the country that's war torn.

This is, hopefully, how a soldier comes home!

This is how a soldier lives during training.

This is a soldier & his happy wife.

This is how a soldier gives to the children who don't get enough to eat (an MRE).
(And some sunglasses which make me smile every time!)

This is what a soldier explosive that is meant to kill him.

This is what a soldier sees through night vision...on all night patrol.

This is how a soldier rests.

This is how a soldier lives.

This is what a soldier calls home.

This is how a soldier travels.

This is how a soldier works.

This is what a soldier protects...rebuilding.

This is who a soldier protects.

This is how a soldier does special missions. (Did I say special...I meant dangerous.)

This is how a soldier finds peace.

This is what happens to a soldier's vehicle when hit by an IED.

This is what a soldier searches for...weapons cache.

This is street patrol...soldier style.

This is who a soldier serves beside. 2/130 2nd platoon 1st squad.

Thank you, soldiers. Thank you, Husband.

I'm not a total hater

Ok, just so everyone knows...I'm not a total hater. There are some aspects of pregnancy that I adore. Yep, that's right, pregnancy and adore in the same sentence. I'm growing a human here folks. I mean that's pretty much the biggest deal ever. We humans think we're so cool. We build buildings, make things out of wood, plastic, metal, paint, etc. However, none of those even compares to pregnancy. I mean, the God of the Universe invites man and woman to join together with Him in creation. Literally, life out of 2 cells. In my body, there are 2 of everything (well, maybe not everything since I'm not sure if Lil Baby Stu #2 is a boy or a girl!), 2 hearts, 2 sets of lungs, 2 entire humans. I'm growing a person. Seriously, that is unbelievable and I adore the fact that I get to be part of that. People are always pondering the great question of "what am I here for?", "what am I doing with my life?". Some people build empires on clothes, real estate, money, sports, etc., but moms and dads get to say, I created life. What trumps life? Not much.

Also, I adore feeling the baby. Now, not so much when I get a swift kick to the bladder or other internal organ, but most times I love it. I love knowing that baby is inside my womb just hanging out and growing. Twisting, turning, summer saulting, kicking, punching, yawning, and who knows what else he/she is doing. But, it's a wonderful joy. (A joy that often serves to remind me why I'm so miserable!)

Only 6 days to go!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm so pregnant...

...that I can literally cry and laugh in the same breath.

...that as badly as I don't want to go through delivery it seems like a walk in the park compared to being pregnant for 6 more weeks.

...there is no quality sleep.

...that just getting out of bed overwhelms me.

...that I could eat about anything...and then immediately regret it knowing that tums will be my dessert.

...that even my sweatpants aren't comfortable. :(

...that all I can think about is delivering the acrobat living inside me.

...that any liquid looks appetizing.

...that any offer of help will not be turned down.

...that the thought of nesting makes me want to lay down and take a nap.

...that sitting, standing, or lying I'm not comfortable.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So, for those of you who have never my little girl there's one thing you should know about her. She's not friendly. And she doesn't hide it well. She has a pretty standard furrowed brow look that she'll give you to let you know that she is not going to be bothered by you. She also will just flat ignore you and turn away. And on rare occasion she'll just reach over and hit you, just to prove that she doesn't have to deal with you.

She was pretty crabby the other day because she wasn't feeling well. We had to run some errands, which we knew was pretty dangerous. Our first stop was the eyeglasses place. Husband was on guard with her while I looked around. She seemed to think that she should be able to touch every pair of glasses in the store so she ended up being held. And she's pretty vocal, which of course the lady working thought was very cute and funny. Well, the nice lady working in the store came over to put some glasses away and peeked around the corner at Hannah. Hannah was pretty fussy at this point because she had lost all freedom. So as the lady peeked around she said "peekaboo" to Hannah. Hannah's response, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." And then she turned around to ignore the woman. Yep, my child totally yelled at her.

Now, I found great humor in this since Husband was the one in charge of the situation. And he appropriately got onto Hannah for telling the woman no. I got to laugh at the whole situation since I wasn't in eyesight...ironic don't you think? ha

The more I'm around Hannah the more I find great humor in children. They just say whatever they think. Their emotions totally shows on their face at all times. And rarely do you have to guess what they're thinking or wanting. They are just who they are all the time with no regard for social norms. It's kind of liberating and stretching for me, because I follow social norms very closely and get very irritated and nervous around people who do not follow them.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Me and the Mall Don't Mix

So, I probably shouldn't be allowed to go to the mall anymore. I'd like to blame it on the pregnancy, but I'm not sure that was the entire problem. To be fair, tonight was mall trick-or-treating so that added a little to the craziness, but still that didn't account for all the crazy. As a side note, when did they start trick-or-treating at the mall?? Not a bad idea in my opinion. Well, it's nice for the parents and kids, maybe not so great for normal mall shoppers.

People at the mall just make me angry. I mean, do they have to be so rude? It's not like I'm a little kid, I'm pregnant and pretty hard to miss! If I'm already walking in a pretty consistent path why would you suddenly veer over and cut me off?? There is too much disorganization and people just meandering slowly around like they have no purpose. If you come to the mall you really ought to have a plan people. And please do not stand outside the store door/window and debate whether to go in. Either go in or keep moving, that's how you keep the traffic flow going. If you have to think about it that hard you probably don't need to go in.

And then there was this little girl who wouldn't eat her chicken or her french fries and cried when she couldn't get the stickers off the paper of her toy. And she kept wanting out of her stroller and screaming and saying "No, Mommy. I want Daddy to.". Oh wait, that was my kid. I guess I can't blame that one on the mall.

At any rate, I did meet 4 nice people. One mom in the elevator who was also pregnant, one store assistant who rang us out and asked about the pregnancy, one man in line at Chick-fil-A, and the manager at Chick-fil-A. (I do have to admit that I almost always have a good experience at Chick-fil-A...they're just nice people who serve me great food!) Oh, and there was the brave mom who had like 8 kids with her trick-or-treating. Like 6 of the kids were going to cut in front of us and she made them stop and stay where they were so that they didn't cut us off. That's good parenting. Teach your children to watch where they're going...then people like me don't have to get so irritated.

Anyways, I'm hoping to do the rest of my shopping at regular stand alone stores or online so hopefully I won't have to endure the mall again for a while. I just don't think my nerves can handle it. Or maybe I just need to be thankful that I did run into 5 nice people.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dec 21

Well, it looks like Lil Baby Stu #2 will be (hopefully) arriving on Dec 21 bright & early. My c-section is planned for 6 AM. That means I have to be at the hospital at 4 AM and we live about 45 minutes away. It's going to be a long first day I have a feeling. But, at least we'll have a baby! And since I can't get out of bed for about 24 hours it means that Husband will be on diaper duty and transport duty and any other duty that seems necessary. That makes me happy. Look, husband, more meconium.

We are still accepting name suggestions for anyone who would like to contribute. (Except for a certain cousin who knows who he is...he's been cut off and we will no longer take suggestions from him.)

So far we're looking at Eli & Noah for boy first names. And no ideas for a girl's name.

Lately I've been trying to talk to Hannah about having a baby come live with us. She usually just gives me her normal furrowed brow look...I think that means that she's not impressed. I often try to ask her, "What's in Mommy's belly?". Her pretty standard reply is "Daddy's belly. My belly." So, I'm going to take that as her dodging the question.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Because My Life is Just That Exciting

So, I was folding towels today. I fold towels a lot because I'm pretty much a freak about how many times they can be used before they must be washed. I'm pretty weird about water, dirty food, germs, and dirty towels. And, I'm trying to be more green and use fewer paper towels so I use more towels instead. I wash and fold towels a lot. Did I emphasize that enough? I fold them a lot.

Well, I finally decided that one of my favorite things to do is to cut the tags out of the towels! It makes folding them so much quicker. And, yes, I fold my towels every time. I use a tri-fold system and always fold them right side out every time. So, you can see how much time I can save by not having to worry whether the tag is properly tucked into the towel. Heaven forbid that the tag might stick out once it's folded. And it's just one of those little things that makes my life a little smoother. Cut the tags out of the towels!! You should really try it sometime.

How about you? Do you have any little tricks that might make my life a little smoother? Or I am the only weird one out there. (And by weird, I'll also accept the descriptions of anal and OCD.)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

30 weeks down, 9 to go

So, I realize that 30 + 9 = 39 & not 40, but I'm having a scheduled C-section at 39 weeks so I have less misery than the normal 40 weeks. Yep, that's right, misery. I know. I know. Some women love being pregnant and think it's the most glorious time in their life and claim they've never felt better, blah, blah, blah. I am not those women and I have most definitely felt better. I've gained 28 pounds and have 9 more weeks to go, which means 9-10 more pounds. Ugh. I've never been fatter, slept worse, felt worse, and been in more pain for such a long period of time. I'll spare you the gory details, but suffice it to say that pregnancy can be painful!

The other night everyone in my house woke me up at one point or another, Chad, Hannah, the puppies, Lil Baby Stu #2, and myself. Chad talks in his sleep so I got a rude awakening when he grabbed my arm and woke me up talking...all while he kept sleeping. Hannah apparently dropped her paci and wasn't happy about it. The dogs needed to go to the bathroom. The new baby was kicking up a storm. And between my bladder being too full and legs and arms falling asleep and then throbbing, I guess I woke my own self up. (Although I'm tempted to blame this on the baby too). I'm not sure I got any sleep at all. That does not sound like a joyous pregnant now does it. Nope, but it does sound like an honest one. ha

Well, all of this has certainly made me ponder children. Of course they're worth it, but how many times do I actually need to be the vessel for them getting here? And, I think I've decided it's 2. I'm definitely not doing this again by choice. (Let's all hope it doesn't happen accidentally!) I've always wanted to adopt and I have to say that this pregnancy may just be God's way of insuring that I don't get too selfish and decide not to adopt afterall.

I was tempted to post a pic of my ginormous belly, but then I realized that I don't have any current pics. So, you'll just have to take my word for it that all of my groanings are quite justified.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hit Me with Your Best Shot

So, I love love love the fall! Such fabulous foods folks! How can one not enjoy the change of menu?!? The preparation (usually only mentally at this point, but still) for the holidays and all the anticipation of time with family and friends (and all the food that goes with it!!). Ah, this is one instance when I appreciate change.

I have somehow managed to convince my mom, aunt, sister, and mother-in-law to come over in a couple weeks to help me with an all day cooking and freezing extravaganza. (Insert evil laugh here.) Ok, ok, so I know how I did it...I confess...I pulled the pregnancy card & granddaughter card. I've got to take full advantage of this pregnancy while I can (and I only have 12 weeks remaining) . And in case the 26 lbs I've gained so far isn't proof enough that I'm taking advantage of being pregnant, I'm going to use it to coerce people to come spend a day at my house cooking for me! hehe It's a grand plan really. I'm quite proud of it.

At any rate...if you could send me your best and most loved fall and winter recipes I would be especially grateful! (And if you happen to have any that freeze really well that would even better!)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Once an Army Wife Forever an Army Wife

We went to the C Co 2/130 IL Army National Guard unit's welcome home ceremony on Monday night. That's Chad's unit. The guys were coming back from Afghanistan. It was really important to us that we take Hannah and that we support these men. Yes, I know Hannah won't remember it, but still it was one of those things that we wanted to do as a family. It was in the gym of the school across from the armory in Litchfield. We barely got there in time and walked in during the opening prayer. The guys were all on the gym floor surrounded by the Patriot Guard Riders. All the family, friends, and supporters were up in the bleachers. And as soon as I get to where I can see the soldiers, wouldn't you know...I immediately burst into tears. It was one of those moments in life where you're so flooded with emotion that you just don't know what you're even thinking or feeling and really the only response is to cry. Mostly I was so grateful for these men that sacrificed so much. And also more grateful than I care to admit that it wasn't my soldier who was down on that floor.

Chad and I both agree that his deployment to Iraq is something that we would never take back. It was a once in a lifetime experience. However, it's also something that we don't want to do again. It has forever changed us and has made us who we are. And, I guess, as with everything in life, it made us stronger and we are better for having gone through it. It also gave us more issues than we care to admit and things that we still are trying to deal with and overcome, even today...3 1/2 years later.

Last night Chad got out "the stick". I'm going to call it the stick because I think that sounds a little more socially acceptable than "the shovel handle". It represents so much. One lovely (and by lovely, I really mean monumental and horrendously hot) day in Iraq as he was out on patrol he happened to be gunner in the humvee (that's the guy who's head is sticking out the top of the humvee). As they rounded a corner an IED went off. Well, for some odd reason, only the detonator part of the IED went off and not the entire explosive. (To the best of my female comprehension there has to be some sort of ignition/detonation explosive to ignite "the really big"explosive...I'm pretty sure that's the explanation the army would give too.)

By the grace of God, literally, all the humvee got hit with was some dust and rocks since the real explosive failed. Let's be honest here, the terrorists are really good at blowing things up...they do it for a living and they don't like to fail. They pretty much have it down to an exact science and for an IED to fail is a big deal. Our army boys are super smart and good at what they do and they knew the terrorists would be back to figure out why their stupid bomb didn't blow up my husband and his humvee. So they set up some "ops" (which I think translates into operations) to watch the area to see if the terrorists came back to fix their failed bomb. Sure enough they came back. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that I now have part of a shovel handle, "the stick", in my living room that was from the shovel that the terrorist used to plant the bomb that should have killed my husband.

There are few things in life that make me more grateful for my God and my husband than the sight of that stick in my living room. It is a reminder to me that God is a powerful protector and that He must have a plan for Chad & I. He chose to intervene that day and save my husband and those soldier's lives. I'll never be the same. (And if you ever wonder why I have issues it's because 16 months of days and incidents like these took their toll.)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Confessions of a New Mom

So, my pastor said something yesterday that I found profound. He said that we all tend to tell ourselves that we have "weaknesses" or "issues" or "problem areas". Well, truth is, that's a nice way of labeling our "sin". It's more difficult to face my "sins" than it is my "issues". Seriously, I never thought about it that way, but it's true. If it's just a weakness then I don't feel quite the need to address it like I would a sin. Ouch.

Funny thing is that I've been reading a book on discipline. Apparently, God gave me a "strong-willed" child, which I think is just a nice way of saying that I have a defiant sinful little 1 year old living at my house who thinks it's fine to run from mommy (while laughing) or pull my hair & hit me in the face. Well, these incidents tend to bring out my "weakness", which is anger and control. Nothing like a 1 year old grabbing a fist full of hair and hitting you in the face to make you get really angry and lose control, right? confession...I am an angry person. Yep, that's right. I was a door slammer growing up. Oh, I'm sorry, did I say growing up...I meant I'm a door slammer even currently if I get angry enough. (Nervous laughter...oops.) I tend to yell and get huffy and slam doors when I'm angry. Lately I've noticed that I react and respond that way when Hannah is misbehaving. (Yes, grandparents, it's true...she really isn't a perfect little angel.) The tricky part is that I certainly can't respond that way to her. Ok, I know I know, so I shouldn't respond that way to anyone or anything, but right now we're going to focus on how it affects me as a mother...only one thing at a time folks.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that I'm not the only one who gets angry with their children, especially when faced with the need to discipline them (i.e. they've done something that makes you really angry...paint on the floor, a slap in the face, screaming bloody murder just because they don't feel like getting in the carseat, etc., etc.). So, question to you all...moms and do you learn to calm down, deal with the situation, and discipline out of grace and love? Any magic pills, secret potions, or tried & true recipes to help calm down in the heat of the moment would be much appreciated.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Good Mom?

So, as Hannah is getting older and Lil Baby Stu #2 is getting closer to making his/her appearance I have been thinking a lot about what makes a good mom. I am going to assume that my thoughts, questions, and fears are "normal" and that there are lots of opinions on motherhood out there. It seems everyone is a judge of how we raise our children. Being the Type A person and perfectionist that I am, I fear failure and that includes failing as a mom. I would venture to guess that I'm not alone on that front. I'm reading a book called Shepherding a Child's Heart that has somewhat given me some freedom. It has reminded me that I am not the only influence on Hannah's life. Also, that she is her own person and will make her own choices and decisions based on her own thought process. For some reason I had convinced myself that if I was not perfect that I would be cause of any and all of her failures. Which meant mega guilt trip everytime I yelled at her and lost my temper with her or let her eat cheerios for every meal. I do have an insane amount of influence in her life, but she clearly lets it be known that she is her own person and will make her own choices in her own time...yes, she's 21 months old and she thinks that means 21 years old and many freedoms she's not yet been granted.

Chad got his wisdom teeth out & I learned the lesson

So, Chad had to get some dental work done on Monday morning. One wisdom tooth extraction and 3 cavities, one in each quadrant of his mouth, which equaled an entire mouth numbing experience. Now, given my tendency to have a panic attach in doctor offices, dentist offices, and hospitals I was a good wife and let him go by himself. He assured me that he would be fine to drive home by himself. (I did call the dentist after he got there to make sure that I didn't need to come get him...they also assured me he would fine to drive home.) He did finally call me mid-morning to let me know that he was home, well, using the best of my translation skills I translated what he said into meaning that he was home (he apparently had a lot of Novocaine). :) Since he was at home & out of the dentist office, I decided that it would probably be safe for me to see him, so I went home at lunch.

I walk in the door & he's watching a movie...a movie that I know for sure we don't own. I ask him, where did you get this movie. He responded with something that I translated into "from the library". Ok, so he apparently went to the library after he got his dental work done. I give him a slightly dirty look for not coming straight home and then went about my business. I proceed to the bathroom, as that's typically my first stop anywhere I go these days & it has now been prolonged by the library discussion. Well, I see the mop & bucket sitting in the tub. Hm, well that's certainly not where I left it...back out to the living room.

SF: "Um, baby, why is the mop & bucket in the bathtub?"
Chad: "I mopped the living room." (That's the translated version.)
SF: "You mopped?"
Chad: "Yes."
SF: "Why would you do that?"
Chad: "The floor stunk."
SF: "So, you got your mouth worked on. Your mouth is still so numb you can't talk. And you thought it would be a good idea to go to the library & then mop the living room floor?"
Chad: "Yes."
SF: "Um, baby, you're supposed to be resting! Now, stay on the couch & do not get up."

At this point I give him a very stern look and went about getting lunch for myself. I offered Chad some soup, which he declined because "he isn't supposed to eat anything hot or cold". I then offered him a drink and straw, which he declined because "he isn't supposed to use a straw". He then proceeds to show me the "rules" sheet they gave him. Now, I'm sure you can see the irony here...he will follow the clearly defined rules on eating & drinking, but the vague ones regarding rest are clearly optional.

Well, again, being the fine specimen of a wife that I am, I take his script to Walgreens to get his pain meds...apparently the simple extraction turned into a lot of pulling and tugging and finally cutting the tooth out because it was wrapped up in a nerve. And the fine people at Walgreens must apparently go through training when they get hired that gives them a different version of time than the rest of the world follows. So, the 15 minutes they told me actually meant 45 minutes...which meant I got a phone call as I was checking out from Chad wondering where his pain killers were. I finally get home where I have to do a mad search for my husband because he was not on the couch where I left him. He was at his computer preparing to do some work on QuickBooks.

SF: "Um, baby, what are you doing? Go lay down."
Chad: "I can't just lay there in pain. I need to do something. I'm going to work on my budget."
SF: "I got your medicine, now go lay down."
(Now, normally I would be thrilled that he's working on his budget, but under the pain-filled circumstances I think it's best we save the budget work until later.)

Here are my lessons:
1. I'm pretty crappy at serving my husband. I did pretty good for the first day & then I got tired. I'm going to work on that...I was the one who needed the attitude adjustment by day 2.
2. Rest when you need it! Don't push yourself too hard too fast to recover (physically or emotionally).
3. Tylenol-3 makes him nauseous. He does not appreciate comments about how many weeks I spent nauseous. Let him wallow in his own pain & misery & don't try to "outdo" him on misery.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How 'bout a fight

So, all you children of the 80's ought to be able to help me out. For some strange odd reason I have a little ditty stuck in my head...sad part is that I can't even remember all the words! It's a little clapping/game/rhyme that the girls would play on the playground or in line or where ever we could without getting in trouble. And, here's what I remember...

"Hey girls how 'bout a fight...da da da da da...kissed a boy behind the magazine"

Yep, that's it, that's all I remember. Shoot, the way I'm losing my mind it could be two different ones combined together even.

If you happen to remember all the words & could send them my way I would very grateful!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Address to the Maternity Clothing Industry

I would like to address the maternity clothing industry for one moment. Please take to heart...otherwise all my hormonal ranting & raving will be for nothing. It's not wise to make a pregnant woman feel as though she exerted her energy for no reason.

First, let me remind you that just because I'm pregnant does not mean that I need puff sleeves on every shirt. I'm sure you intend your puff sleeves to help offset the ever-growing belly, however they do not do that. There is no real way to compensate for the growing belly. The puff sleeves really only accomplish making me look puffy everywhere and that is something that I do not need your help with. I seem to manage being puffy everywhere all on my own.

Second, can you please put a normal neckline on some of your shirts? I do realize that on a normal woman it might not be a huge deal, but trying to adjust to my larger-than-normal chest size is very difficult. I have come to the conclusion that all of your clothing must be designed by men who have never had to actually live in the pregnant body and whose hormones are the same as ever and who we all know tend to enjoy this one side of pregnancy. However, I do not appreciate that every shirt hits lower than normal (let me remind you that pregnancy acne isn't just on the face, folks).

Third, can you please find a way to make pants that have a crotch? Just because my stomach is growing doesn't mean that my legs have gotten longer or shorter. I do not enjoy the chafing or hideousness that this has caused me. I do need to stop and offer one huge thank you to Old Navy for figuring out to produce a fabulous pair of jeans! If the rest of you could figure out how to duplicate that pregnant women everywhere could start to look normal.

Thank you for taking all my suggestions to heart. Seeing as this is my final pregnancy I will not directly reap the benefits of my suggestions. But, as history has shown us there must be sacrifice on the part of those who have gone before in order to help future generations. If you need further suggestions please feel free to contact me as my opinions are in abundance.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No Deal

We finally van. We just couldn't do it. I guess after you work so hard to pay off a vehicle it makes it harder to get rid of! We really love our car and in the end all that we would lose didn't make it worth all that we would gain. In case you're interested and even if you're are the 3 main reasons.

1. We really like our car, it's easy for me to drive and get in & out of out.
2. We don't want to up our gas costs at a time when our income won't be as steady.
3. The only time we really need the extra room a van provides is when we go home to see our families...and surely we can all tough it out in the car for an hour & a half.

Bonus reason - I am sentimental. That was the car Chad bought me right before he deployed to Iraq and we paid it off mostly with army pay. I spent a long year & a half in that car when he was gone. I just couldn't part with it.

So there you have it. Who knew SarahFae couldn't handle that much change? I'm sure we'll end up with a van at some point, but just not now. :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I got pregnant & turned into a hippie

Ok, so only partly hippie...and I'm blaming it mostly on the hormones. It all started one day when I decided to be ambitious (and by ambitious I mean the mold was getting really furry and almost starting to talk to me). It was going to be me against the bathtub. Well, it turned out to be me against the Tilex and I lost. (Ha, ok, so really Chad lost.) I couldn't stand the fumes so Chad got stuck finishing cleaning the bathtub. I decided there had to be a safer way to clean the bathroom without all the toxic chemicals. So, I started my search and from there I've been making all kinds of things from scratch instead of buying the toxic version from the store.

And, to put your minds at ease I've been doing some research as well and it turns out that we don't really need all the anti-bacterial cleaning products. Some studies have shown that they don't make a difference. After a year of using them, families still had the same germ count and type on their hands as families who didn't use the antimicrobial products. (Now, being pregnant, having a 1 year old, and with flu season coming I did keep my hand sanitizer & will insist on people using it who are holding the baby.)

So, here's what I've made so far & the links in case you decide to join me on my quest to single-handedly save the planet...well, at least save some money, save your house from toxins it doesn't need, and get some exercise. Have you ever zested an entire bar of me, it counts as exercise.

Window cleaner - I'm not sure if I'll stick with this one or try just vinegar & water.
All purpose cleaner - I used the basic all purpose cleaner formula. I wouldn't recommend the one with alcohol and ammonia if you're trying to stay away from harsh chemicals. (Although I did try it & it does work really well.)
Laundry soap - I used Powdered Laundry Detergent - Recipe #4 (I found one bar of zested soap = 2 cups)
Learned the many uses of vinegar
Learned the many uses of baking soda
Foam soap - I did not add the glycerin or scented extract.
Baby wipes

And to be fair, the only reason I made the baby wipes was because I was completely out (I know, how could I have let that happen...again, must be hormones and tiredness). Anyways, Hannah has a massive explosion at 9 o'clock at night (I know, why was she even still awake at that time of day...again, hormones and tiredess). There was no way I was trekking it out to Wal-mart at 9PPM for baby wipes. I instead searched the internet and tada, made them myself. And I have to admit that we've had less diaper rash since we started using them. (And, yes, I still buy the occasional pack of baby wipes to throw in the diaper bag.)

I also got more rags and cloth napkins to use so I can use fewer paper towels and paper napkins...although Chad isn't real impressed with this because he says it takes so much more water, electricity, and gas to run the washer more often that I'm not saving any money or the environment. So, the jury is still out on this one.

I also bought a cloth shower curtain liner that is treated to be anti-mildew. When we get in the shower we put the curtain inside the tub and when we're done we put it back outside the tub so it can dry. This should mean less mildew and a cleaner bathtub!

I'm also looking for a good powdered dishwasher detergent recipe...the one I tried left a horrible film on all my dishes. I'll keep you posted if I find one.

At any rate, I didn't change everything overnight. I just made small changes here and there until I found formulas and systems that worked with our lifestyle. Let me know if you have any good cleaner/household recipes that you use...I'm always up for new things to try!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

15 minutes

So, I've found this new cleaning routine that might just change my life. Every day I'm going to take 15 minutes to focus on one room of my house. Now, 15 minutes may not sound like much, but to a cleaner-hater like me it might as well be 15 days (and sadly it's more cleaning than I'm currently doing so what have I got to lose). At any rate, I'll set the timer & when it goes off I can be done! Hm, not much different than when Hannah gets in trouble, eh?

Anyways, it's worked out beautifully this week. My house is 3 rooms cleaner than it was on Monday! I've been quite impressed with how much I can get done in only 15 minutes and how big a difference it has made in my life. Now, my house is only usually this clean when I know people are coming over. And by people I mostly mean a large group of people that I don't know very well. If it's family or close friends...well, they just have to deal with the mess. I feel great knowing that I'm keeping the house clean for myself and my family. Shouldn't I treat my family better than company? Well, I'm trying. Granted I have a small house so it's fairly easy to hit every room in one week. And in case you're interested here's my schedule:

Monday - Laundry Room
Tuesday - Living Room
Wednesday - Bathroom
Thursday - Kitchen
Friday - Me & Chad's Room
Saturday - Hannah's Room
Sunday - REST

We'll see how long I can keep up. The pregnancy hormones sure do help with the desire to de-clutter and keep clean! (Oh, and don't tell the fitness police, but I also count it as 15 minutes of light exercise because I'm usually up moving around quickly and exerting some energy!)

As I'm on my journey to a cleaner house I've been doing research on cleaning methods and products. If you have any tips or recipes that work for you please share!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's a ...

BABY!! So, Lil Baby Stu #2 had his/her first photo shoot the other day. It is quite ironic how closely the two pregnancies are timed. Hannah's ultrasound was 8/15/07 and she weighed 12 ounces. Lil Baby Stu #2's was on 8/10/09 and he/she weighed 13 ounces. So far so good. I was a little disappointed that baby wasn't bigger because that means all the weight I've put on is really from my poor eating and exercising habits! I am always amazed at the growth and development that happens in utero. It's pretty impressive. It must also be tiring doing all that growing because at the end of the ultrasound baby yawned! And here I thought I was the one exhausted from all this baby growing. Silly me.

This ultrasound went much better than Hannah's. I didn't throw up, for one thing. (Apparently I drank all the water too fast on the way to the hospital and when I got there I threw it all up in the parking lot! Oops.) I wasn't really dizzy or too nervous either. I guess I'm growing up. It's always nice to go to the hospital and not pass out or throw up!

However, it was me we're talking about. And I did spend about an hour in a hospital. So, of course, it couldn't be without incident at all. We were all done and went down to the first floor to leave when I realized that I really wasn't going to make it home without first going to the bathroom. I drank a lot of water, folks. I marched myself over to the bathroom (pretty focused on getting in and getting my business done quickly!). I walked in to the bathroom and realized something was amiss...they don't normally put urinals in women's bathrooms, ugh, I gasped, turned right around, ran out the bathroom, quickly across the hall, and into the women's restroom, where I immediately burst into laughter. Oops. Luckily there wasn't anyone in either restroom so it wasn't as terribly embarrassing as it certainly could have been! hehehe

I'm at 21 weeks for anyone who's interested. We also found out that the doctor schedules C-sections on the Tuesday of your 39th week. I think that means if we decide to have a planned C-section it would be Dec 22. Of course, that's only if we decide to have a planned C-section and if I don't go into labor earlier. Ah, the joys of labor and birth. It's a good thing we get a baby out of the deal!

Friday, August 14, 2009

To Van or Not to Van

That is the question at the Stuehlmeyer house. With Lil Baby Stu #2 halfway to being here, we're facing the decision that most growing families face. Do we buy a minivan or not? Argh. It makes me want to cry. It makes me feel oh so old. However, it also brings out the ultra-logical side of me. I do finally understand why so many families (ok, lets be honest...moms) have them. They are so stinking practical!! So much cargo room, seating for 7 (or 8 if you do a double bench), easy access, roomy, and in this day & age...many features (DVD players, etc). And the organized side of me gets a little excited that there would be enough room for everything to have its place! :)

At any rate...I'm looking for your thoughts! We're open to any & all vehicle options at this point, including keeping the tiny car that we love so much! So, minivan or small SUV or larger car? I'm leaning towards the small SUV myself (Honda CR-V, RAV4, etc). However, I'm still not sold because it doesn't hold any extra passengers & we'll have to stack the 2 dog cages on top of each other. Truth be told I like the Mazda 5, but they don't make it old enough for us to get a used one in our price range. Boo. :(

If you have a it worth it?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Taking off the cape.

So, it turns out I've been wearing it backwards or over my eyes or around my ankles or something, because it's not working. There are no super powers. I'm not super-woman or super-mom or super-anything. Yeah, who knew. I apparently can't do it all. So I had an emotional breakdown a couple weeks ago. I woke up one morning & knew that if I walked into my office I would quit and just walk out...I knew that wasn't a normal response for me so I walked into a counselor's office instead. He told me all the things I already know but don't do. I have to take time for myself. I have to have actual conversations with people about issues rather than just keeping it all in. I have to relax.

So I have been. I let Hannah have a pink highlighter in the car on the way to Salem...she colored all over her legs and I didn't freak out!! How's that for relaxed? I've planned time for me to do some quilting with a friend. And, thanks to my husband, I'm going to learn to knit! (He & Hannah bought me a learn-to-knit book & needle starter kit for my birthday!) We decided I'm going to stay home when Lil Baby Stu #2 comes. I can handle 6 more months of work...I could not handle another 18+ months.

At any rate, this pregnancy has made me more physically miserable than I've ever been. I've never felt so horrible for so many weeks. It's forced me to slow down because otherwise my body just kind of shuts off and I can't function. I have a great husband, a great family, and great friends. I need to lean more on my support system and be grateful for the people God put around me.

I'm supposed to be coming up with a list of 10 things I can do to take care of myself. A list of how to relax and how to stay SarahFae and not get lost in the roles I play.

What are your suggestions for my list? Or, what is your list?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jumped off the Facebook train.

So, I did it. I should have done it weeks ago, but I didn't. I deactivated my Facebook account. Gasp! I know. It was quite difficult. The truth is that I spent way way too much time reading & learning about people that I don't know that well and don't really want to. I read a lot about people I used to know and if I don't care to actually keep in touch with them then it's just gossip that I know random things about their lives that don't actually matter to me. I will be sad to miss the pics and updates of my family and close friends, but here's hoping that I actually keep in contact with them enough that I'll still know what's going on in their lives (& hopefully they'll still send me their photo album links).

I needed to do this partly because I waste way way too much time (at work & at home) checking my facebook. I'm trying to re-evaluate my priorities and I always complain that I don't have enough time to do the things I'm supposed to do. If that's true then I'm going to have to get really picky about what I do spend my time on. And, Facebook just didn't rank up there. Truth is that I'm not really spending any time in real relationship with people in my life and I just can't justify wasting time on Facebook. You see I've realized that now that I'm a mom & Hannah is getting older & #2 is on the way I simply don't have time for much anymore. It doesn't seem fair to explain that to friends when I'm wasting so much time on Facebook.

At any rate, part of this is the realization that being a mom has been sort of a gradual change. For a while I could take Hannah about anywhere because she was pretty quiet, very easily transportable, and slept a lot. Slowly that has been changing. I need to be home by 7 or 7:30P to get her to bed. I don't have the energy to be going lots of places in the evenings with her so I can't hang out as much. Also, I like to spend my evenings with Chad, Hannah, & the puppies at home. So after spending time with Hannah and then putting her to bed around 8 or 8:15P and then I try to be in bed by 9 or 9:30 and trying to do laundry and clean up in that 8 o'clock hour it just doesn't leave much time for phone talking or hanging out. (Especially if I want to talk to Chad at all!) Anyways, I guess it's all a learning game and I need a pretty steep learning curve. I am having a hard time balancing my household, extended family, close friends, and extended friends (oh right, and the 40 hours + I spend in the work world).

And so Facebook had to go. There will probably be other things to go too. As soon as I figure out what my real priorities are and how to balance the people and things close to me. And now so that I can actually function's bedtime! Thanks to you all for your patience with me as I figure out how to juggle everything.

Monday, June 15, 2009

To ease your minds....

So, a lady at work has been talking about her niece's child harness. I guess it's a backpack & the little girl loves do her parental & grandparental units. It sparked a discussion in my head. I don't know anyone personally that had used on one their child & thought it was only fair to get some thoughts on both sides...hence the facebook poll.

Since none of them are writing this blog I guess they'll have to put their thoughts somewhere else because I'm putting mine here! We do not plan on using a harness with Hannah. It's way too much like a dog leash for me to use on my child. I also have conflicting views with people on how much freedom an 18 month old should be granted. She is not yet capable of making wise, calculated, well thought-out decisions & that's why she has parents & not a harness! It is my job, as her mother, to teach her how to handle her independence and how to obey me. I do not think she should be allowed to just wander places several feet away from me. If there is a street, parking lot, crowded location, etc., then she has to learn to stay by my side and for the time being that means, in the stroller, in my arms, or holding my hand. She does not get the option to go on her own as she would see it via the harness.

I do see the benefit to the harness in case she slips free and runs off anyways. However, I do not want her learning that it is ok to run away from me & that she's safe to do so because she has a backpack restraint. My mom didn't use one on us and somehow we all managed to stay alive and safe anyways. Although, I do have a scar on my cheek from mom grabbing me as I almost ran into the road. Oops. So, I did try to run away, my mom still caught me, and I've lived to tell about it. I think this is a case of parents having to raise children in the real world where it takes real work and where we can't have backup safety systems in place all the time. (And if you know me at all, you know that if it were possible I would probably live in a bubble if I could...and bring Hannah with me. )

Care to weigh in on the subject?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

An Interview With My Brother

So, I'm going to try & do an interview with my brother...we'll see if he cooperates! And he might not since he doesn't know he's being interviewed! :)

For those of you who don't know, my little brother, Timothy, is spending his summer in Thailand on a mission trip. He went last summer for 2 weeks and felt called to go back this summer. He has been there for about 2 weeks already and has been blogging about his experience. You can check out his blog, Timothy Travels, if you'd like to join the fun (& learning)!

Well, this morning I woke up at 5AM, which did not make me happy. :( As I was laying there I figured there must be a reason I was awake so I started praying for random people and ended up praying for Timothy. Like any good pregnant woman I started thinking about food. Which made me wonder some things about Thailand food and mealtimes and thus this interview was born in my head! Let's hope my questions make was, after all, 5A when I was thinking about this!

Timothy -
First, do Thai people eat 3 meals a day like we do?

Do they eat their meals at set times?

What are some of the more common meals or dishes?

Do the missionaries cook Thai food or do they eat more "American" food when they're in their own homes?

Do Thai people eat out a lot or mostly cook & eat at home?

Is it mostly assumed that cooking is the woman's job?

Last, do they have cereal? (Oh, and what kind of milk do they drink?)

Well folks, I guess we'll all have to wait & see if Timothy reads my blog and if he has time to answer! :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Here's One You Might Not Have Heard

So, I'm lucky enough to get to work from home 2 days a week. And most days things go fairly well. I'm part mom and part Lewis & Clark Library System accountant and part dog owner. My time is split between letting the dogs out, changing, feeding, & entertaining Hannah, all the while trying to do my work. Let's just say that some days I want to pull my hair out by the end of the day. On one not-so-calm day a few months back we had a little incident. Chad was in Granite City on job so I was literally on my own to hold down the fort. The dogs, not surprisingly, were rather yappie and in & out all day. Sometimes while they're outside little super Cooper like to run around the deck posts. Which is all cool because he's entertained & all, but it never fails that he wraps himself around the post and then Lizzie barks at me until I go out and untangle him. Luckily enough when they're outside and yappie they don't wake up Hannah. And I was glad she was down for her nap so I could have a couple hours of good work time.

Well, you should also know that I'm a freak about keeping the doors locked. When the dogs are outside I keep the door unlocked so that I can get out to them quickly in case the neighbor's dogs get loose (American bulldog and big dogs who would crush mine). Well, as soon as I open the door to let Lizzie & Cooper in I usually go ahead and turn the lock on the handle so that as soon as they're in the door is ready to be shut and locked and we can all go on our merry safe way.

Wouldn't you know that in this instance I did as I usually do & turned the lock...however Cooper was tangled so I had to go outside to get him. As convenience would have it I shut the door behind me (although somehow Lizzie managed to get back outside with me). I got Cooper loose and we were all headed back inside when I get to the door and it's locked. That's right...locked. Me and dogs outside with no cell phone. Baby locked inside. I was pretty grateful that she was at least asleep in crib and not in any danger. Hm, well, interesting predicament I'm in now. No spare key. No way to call Chad. And, no way to get inside. Well, I did what you would expect SarahFae to do...I panicked. Then I ran to the neighbor's house to see if he had a key or if I could use his phone to call Chad. Of course Chad was wrapping up and couldn't leave...meaning he couldn't get home for another hour!! I think at this point I almost cried. So, I did what one would expect. I ran back home to break in. I was all prepared to break a window if needed. I didn't have to, luckily enough. I was able to break in the front window. So there you have stepping on the flower box to crawl in the front bedroom window, just like any good burglar, right? And what did I find once I finally got inside...a safe sleeping baby who had no idea that her mom locked her in the house alone.

So there you first real mom panic oops incident. I'm hoping there won't be a next time, but if there is, I'm going to try to panic a little less.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Funny thing happened today

So, I had my first ultrasound today. Funny thing happened. He changed my due date. According to the size of little Baby Stu #2 I'm only 7 weeks along, instead of 9. Boo. That means I have more misery in the first trimester than I originally thought. And, drum roll please...the new due date is Dec 27. Yep folks, you read that correctly, I said Dec 27. Convenient, right? (For those of you who don't know, Hannah's birthday is Dec 25.) Yep, Christmas and only 2 days away from little Baby Stu #2's projected arrival date. Hm. I guess we can only wait & see what will happen! :) What are the chances of 2 babies being born on the same day...and that day being Christmas?!? I guess we'll see if we become a statistic. Maybe I'll spend another Christmas in the hospital. Maybe you'll come see me. Maybe your Christmas dinner will be Hardees Red Burrito because nothing else is open.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Prego Brain

So, you know you're pregnant when you catch a glimpse of a photo album on Facebook and think it's called "Second Trimester" and you're eying it jealously wishing you were in your second trimester. In reality it said "Second Semester". :(

Well, it's true. I'm pregnant. And miserable. I apparently had not much recollection of the first trimester with Hannah or I'm not sure I would have voluntarily done this again. I know it will be worth it in 7 months when we meet little Baby Stu #2, but for right now...this is close to torture. 4 weeks and counting!

In all seriousness, we're thrilled to be having our second and yes, we're going to extend the torture to all of you & we don't plan to find out the sex until birth day! :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Wedding Event of the Summer

No, not mine...Dominic & Becky's! I've been talking to Heather (& crossing my fingers that the Lux's will get to come!) and we were wondering who all is planning on going?? We were thinking maybe we could work in a mini-reunion of sorts. Is anyone up for trying to stay at the same hotel? How about a trip to the zoo on Sunday? Any other thoughts & opinions are welcome! We'd love to get some good catch up time with everyone while we're there. Let us know if you're interested & if you've already booked your hotel rooms!

Monday, May 4, 2009

A little something for my little sister

So, we tend to mock my little sister & her blond hair. (Although, truth be told it's not quite so blond anymore, but we won't dwell on that!)

I was vacuuming our bedroom the other day & thought the vacuum was doing really weird things. It felt like it was vibrating right through me. Which seemed a little odd for my $100 vacuum to suddenly have that much extra power. Well, as it turned out...I had my phone in my back pocket & I was receiving a phone call!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Well, it's been a long couple of weeks at the Stuehlmeyer house. For one thing, I live with a bunch of sicko's who can't seem to get healthy! That means little sleep, runny noses, crabby people, coughing, and finally...medicine. I think they're finally on the road to recovery (the runny noses are finally not green!). And, since we've not left the house much...I think. I mean literally, I think about stuff more than normal.

We've been doing lots of thinking and praying and spending time as just the 3 of us. We're trying to figure out the balance between work & home, friends, extended family, close family, and the 3 (+2) of us. Life gets messy as we begin to deal with our issues and as we start prioritizing. As it turns out, you can't do everything, you can't be everything, and you certainly can't do it all well if you're ridiculous enough to attempt it. (Sadly, I am ridiculous enough to attempt it...a lot.) What I can say about this week is that I'm really thankful for old friends. Sometimes it's nice to have a conversation with someone who has already walked a long path with you & you don't have to explain all the details and explain yourself. They already get you and sort of understand your mindset & why you do what you do. There are always those people who you just click with and when they're old friends it's fabulous because you always click no matter how close or far away or how much time you spend apart. I love that type of friendship. I have several in my life and I love them dearly. I rejoice when they rejoice and hurt when they hurt.

Don't get me wrong...I like new friends too. People who don't know all the crap you've done and you don't have to tell them! You can be who are now and don't have to fit into the little box they've put you in because they haven't known you long enough to put you in a box yet! That's freeing.

I guess what I love the most is the grace that you get from both types of friendship. Old friends love you despite your crap and give you grace. New friends give you grace because they don't know your crap yet.

The trick right now for me is realizing that my relationship with Jesus should be old friend and new friend. To know that I can crawl up in His lap and not have to explain all the past hurts and junk and He just gets me. Also, to know that He gives me grace because He doesn't know all my past sins. Seriously, they're gone. As far as the east is from the west, right (Ps 103:12)? Grace rocks.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Dark Side

So, I finally crossed over. I mean officially. I let Hannah watch her first DVD. I mean in the room alone with her toys and a DVD playing. I got to sit in the kitchen and work while she entertained herself. Ahhhhh, the slow sigh of guilt and glee. I swore I wouldn't let her until she was 2 like "they" recommend. Who is "they" anyways?? Doctors, specialists, really smart super moms? Well, since none of them live in my house I get to make the rules (with Chad's help and consent, of course). And, along with making the rules comes changing them. So, we did. And Hannah got to watch Baby Einstein's Neighborhood Animals. She loved it! Watched it, sang to it, and played in the same room as it. What more could a mom (especially a mom who works from home) ask for?!? Well, all things in moderation (and taking into consideration the attention span of a 15 month old)...I think we might have to check out more Baby Einstein DVDs. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

15 Months & Counting!

We have 15 months to be debt-free-but-the-house! We are Dave Ramsey hardcore at our house! And it rocks. We're starting Financial Peace University in 2 weeks & I'm hoping that will help us kick it up a notch even more during those 3 months! I'll keep you posted to our progress. We are certainly fired up & I'll probably drive you crazy until it's done b/c I'm so passionate about it! We started Jan 1 of this year and it would shock you how much we've done since then. It's shocked us for sure. :)

Recommended reading:
The Total Money Makeover
Financial Peace Revisited

Join us on our journey if you dare!

PS - To date we've paid off 2 credit cards (& within 2 weeks that will be 3)!

Monday, April 6, 2009

April Fools

April Fools! Ok, so it's not April Fools Day, but instead an account of my April Fools day.

I should have known when I got up that it was going to be a day. I found a spider crawling on my kitchen table. First, you should all be quite proud that I didn't scream. I just calmly killed it with Hannah's sippy cup (the first thing I could find with a flat bottom). And then I left it there all day as a notice to all its little spider friends to go back where they came from. But seriously, I was a little disturbed that out in the wide open plain sight this little spider thought it could crawl on my table?!? I try not to think about it.

At any was fine, (Chad is out of town mind you, so I'm a little on edge all day just because) I got home, fed Hannah, and had a relatively uneventful mealtime. So, I got brave & decided that we'd go on a walk. When we go on a walk, it's Hannah in her stroller & Lizzie & Cooper on a 'y-ed' leash together. So, I get some looks b/c I'm pushing the stroller & have 2 dogs (crazy yappy dogs usually). Well, as luck would have it there's a big dog sitting right where we get on the trail. Cooper of course goes crazy, because he doesn't realize the 50 lb dog would just smash his little 6 lb frame with one paw. So, I'm dragging Cooper & Lizzie trying to get the stroller up the curb to move past the big dog & its owner (who apparently thinks its cool to just sit & watch the Stuehlmeyer spectacle). Somehow (& I'm honestly not sure how...I promise I didn't run him over) Cooper ends up yelping & limping on his front paw. So, much to his dismay he has to finish the mile-long walk in the bottom basket of the stroller. Boo to injury # 1 of the evening.

We make it back to the house where Cooper promptly lays down & doesn't really move for the rest of the evening. I'm trying to get the dogs out of their harnesses and get some stuff done & Hannah (paci in mouth) somehow falls flat on her face in the living room (hardwood floors) and gets up with a mouth full of blood. For those of you who don't know me, that alone is enough to make me leave the room at a minimum and worse case senario, pass out. Well, the heroic mom that I am picks her up, thinking to myself...if there's a tooth through her lip we're in trouble, and seriously she couldn't have waited 20 minutes for Chad to get home?!? So, I now have blood all over my shirt, Hannah's got it in her mouth, on her fingers, her shirt, and her poor paci! We only ruined 1 washcloth, I managed to salvage 2, and nothing but a busted lip & the roof of her mouth. Can you believe it? We all lived. She didn't cry near as badly as I thought. I didn't pass out. She was eating crackers the next day. Cooper's up & running by the next day! Seriously, we're all still alive. And, it wasn't quite as traumatic as I expected. Hm, maybe I'm going to mellow out in my old age afterall. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stuehlmeyer Budget Cuts Save Green

Our budget is getting cut. We subject ourselves to this torture partly kicking & screaming and partly out of competition with ourselves. Here are our favorite ways to save money:
  • Eat the food in the cabinets (spent only $25/week on groceries for 4 weeks doing this! Who knew I had so much food in my house!)
  • I make my own foam hand soap (diluted liquid soap = Cheap!)
  • No eating out (we definitely kick & scream about this one)
  • Even Lizzie & Cooper participate - they get cheaper treats
  • Rent DVD's from the library, for FREE!!
  • No new stuff (I'm pretty shocked that Wal-mart is doing so well since Chad cut me off)
  • Chad cuts his own hair (and mostly does a better job than the people he was paying)
  • Use cash & not credit cards (studies show you spend 12-18% more when using a credit card)
What are your favorite ways to save??

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Figuring it out

So, I guess I always thought by the time I turned 28 that I'd have a few things figured out. That I'd have a clue what I wanted to be. I don't. I don't know where I'm headed or where I'll end up. Here's what I know. I'm a wife, a mom, an accountant, and a myriad of other roles. I still don't like kids. Well, I adore Hannah, but other than that still not kids' biggest fan. Those things I get. What I don't get...why don't I know what I want to be. I still don't have a clue what my best talents/strengths/gifts are or how to use them. I don't have time for hobbies so that won't help me figure it out. Right now my biggest passion (after God, Chad, Hannah, family, etc.) is getting out of debt, Dave Ramsey style. I have thought that maybe someday I'd love to help other people set up budgets, get out of debt, etc = financial counseling. But, there's a problem. I'm not a very good self-motivator, I hate sales, and the thought of my own business makes me want to vomit. And what are the chances that people would actually pay me to tell them to stop spending money?!?

Anyways, I suppose that part of Phil 4 means being content with not knowing where I'm headed or what I'll do with my life. Here's a tip to all the young'uns out there...don't expect to figure it out by the time you probably won't. At least not in full and probably not the way you expect.

As far as by 28...I still have 3 months.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

First day of blogging...

So, it's my very first blog...well at least recently. Hopefully I can keep up. I can barely keep up with Chad, Hannah, the house, work, friends, church, reading, the puppies, email & facebook, and for some reason I've decided that I 'need' a blog! ha Well, actually I've been dealing with some issues lately & am looking for an outlet to do some writing and hopefully connect with others who might be dealing with the same stuff. Life. That's what I'm dealing with. :) And chances are you. Except you're dealing with your own life. It probably looks a little different than mine, but maybe it's not as different as you might think. So, here's to hoping that I'll do some writing and keep you up-to-date on my world. Cheers!